ince winning an Academy Award in 2001 for her performance as the strong-willed Erin Brockovich, Julia Roberts hasn't starred in many hits. The only exception would be America's Sweethearts, which did moderately well, but didn't achieve the success of some of Roberts' other films. 
The Mexican (co-starring Brad Pitt) gave every indication it would be a box office hit, but once it opened, audiences stayed away. Ocean's Eleven did big enough business that a sequel is now in the works, but it can't really be called a "Julia Roberts film" since she was just one of a large ensemble cast.

  However, her fans will be thrilled to find that Roberts is finally starring in a film again, carrying the full weight and responsibility of the picture on her slim shoulders.

  Mona Lisa Smile takes place in 1953, when many young women didn't give much thought to a career - they were happy to get married and begin a family. When Katherine Watson (Roberts) lands a job at the prestigious all-female Wellesley College, she's aghast to discover that despite the
Kirsten Dunst
Julia Stiles
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Topher Grace
Ginnifer Goodwin

Mike Newell

New York
New Jersey

While on set, Roberts enjoys knitting during breaks from filming.

school's fine academic reputation, the students measure their success by how well they marry. Watson challenges her students to think about their careers and to use their abilities to land jobs before they settle down and have children. Roberts' class includes a trio of young actresses - Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles and Maggie Gyllenhaal - who are working together for the first time.

  But why did Roberts wait so long to take on the starring role in a big project? Why was she happy to take on smaller, supporting roles in pictures such as Full Frontal and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind for the last few years?

  Roberts admits that her 2002 marriage to cameraman Danny Moder is the main reason she's been happy to keep a low profile. As she told Entertainment Weekly during the filming of Mona Lisa Smile, "I'm preaching one thing [in the movie] and kind of doing the other [in real life]. I want to stay home and cook dinner."   Roberts confesses that she loves being at home and spending time with her husband. "There's almost nothing now that is more attractive to me than staying home. I've already started to work less."

  Despite her protestations, Roberts is doing exactly what her character preaches in the film. After first launching a successful career, Roberts has paid her dues and fully deserves to slow down and spend some time with her husband and even start a family if that's what she craves. Roberts may possibly be on the way to being one of the few Hollywood actors to achieve that which eludes so many other celebrities - a successful marriage and peaceful home life.

- Alexandra Heilbron