Dear Tribute,
About Dogma (Nov. 1999), Kevin Courrier's remark that humor can help us get at bigger truths is right on. Dogma brings up many embarrassing questions to those who have inherited their faith and there are no better ways of introducing logic and reason to the victims of blind faith.
J.C. Gagnon
Stroud, Ont.

Dear Tribute,
Liza Finlay doesn't do any research, does she? If she did, she would know that the Pashmina or Shahtoosh shawl is made from the slaughter of a rare and embattled animal. Each scarf equals the lives of several rare antelope or chiru from Tibet and northern India. Nice fashion statement.
Carol Tomlinson

(The pashmina shawl, a blend of silk and cashmere, is derived from Himalayan goats. The animals are not killed in the process. As for the endangered chiru, our information shows the animal is used to make shahtoosh wool, which is a different material.)

Dear Tribute,
I have always enjoyed reading your publication.
I keep an eye out for each new issue when I go to the movies. However, I must say that your horoscope page went from insight to tripe. What happened? It used to be a fun read. I may not know what house Mercury is in, but I know what house your horoscope page is currently in - the outhouse! Please remedy this.
J. Baugh
Medicine Hat, Alta.

Dear Tribute,
I would like you to explain the following quote from an article in your October 1999 issue: "The Story of Us is a movie that you can go and see with your mom without fear of her seeing anyone's naughty parts. Even better, you won't have to explain it to her." What kind of
sexist, patronizing, ageist attitude is this? Please, try to regard mothers as more than decrepit and idiotic
in the future!
Judy Hajdu

Dear Tribute,
I just wanted to thank you for doing an article on an actress who deserves some attention. Of course, I'm talking about Angelina Jolie. Not only is she a
talented actress who can bring out a character's
persona with a simple glance, she's also not afraid to tell all about her lifestyle. It's refreshing to read about a Hollywood type who admits to obsessing about lotion, collecting dangerous objects and branding herself like a cow - and comes clean about her sexual preferences. She's proven herself to be much more than a set of lips.
Courtney Babcock

Dear Tribute,
As a serious car nut, I really enjoy the Star Cars page. Although I realize car collecting is largely a male preserve, how about looking into the rides of some famous actresses in the future?
Melissa Silver

Sandra I. Stewart

Doug Wallace

Contributing Editors
Cynthia Amsden, Kareb Ashbee, Kevin Courier, Marilyn Denis, Kerry Doole, Karen Gordon, Kim Greene, Lesa Hannah, Jane Hawtin, Tom Jokic, Susan Kelly, Don Martson, Michael Naccarato, Vernon Oickle, Jane Sanderson, Jim Slotek, Michele Sponagle

Production Manager
Erik Blomkwist

Gordon de Gannes, Beth Aguilar, Adi Gonsalves, Mary O'Neil, Nicole Noon

Circulation Manager
Guy Murnaghan

Tribute Publishing Inc.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Sandra I. Stewart

Vice President Publishing, North America
Catherine Bridgman

Director of Business Development
Marni Standen

Director of National Accounts
Randy Stewart

National Account Managers
Amanda Cohen, Paul Gitlin, Sari Nisker

Sales Assistants
April Towell, Lien Truong

Promotion Coordinators
Andrew Thornicroft, Daniel Carroll

Project Manager
Alkarim Sajoo

Diana Lefter

Special Thanks
Alliance Atlantis Margaret Burnside,
Frank Mendicino, Susan Smythe Cancom-MCI Entertainment Group Paul Armstrong, Mary Palazzo Cineplex-Odeon Marci Davies
Lions Gate Films John Bain, Sandy Silver Columbia Tri-Star Donna Slack Disney
Jane Elltoft MGM/UA Sandra Crann Odeon Films Andrea Grau, Mark Slone Paramount Greg Ferris Twentieth Century Fox Barry Newstead, Heather MacGillivray Universal Janice Doyle, Janice Luke Warner Bros. Dianne Schwalm, Mary Sinclair.

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Subscription Prices: Canada, eight issues $22.50; U.S.A., eight issues $32.50; all other countries, eight issues $48.00. Please add 7% G.S.T. (Reg. #R105383707). To subscribe, send name, address, postal code and cheque or money order to Subscription Department, Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Allow six weeks for delivery. ISSN 1190-836X