
Sandra I. Stewart

Rise Levy, Robin Stevenson

Contributing Editors
Cynthia Amsden, Karen Ashbee,
Bill Brioux, Brigitte Berman, 
Kevin Courrier, Marilyn Denis, Kerry Doole, Amy Ferguson, Karen Gordon, Valerie Gregory,
Lesa Hannah, Jane Hawtin, 
Tom Jokic, Susan Kelly, 
Bonnie Laufer Krebs,
Zack Medicoff,  Vernon Oickle, Jane Sanderson, Jim Slotek, Deborah Smyth,
Rui Umezawa, Gerry Young

Production Manager
Erik Blomkwist

Adi Gonsalves, Cecilio Gregorio, Karin Hincks, Nicole Noon, Jan-John Rivera, Alan Sequeira

Circulation Manager
Guy Murnaghan

Tribute Publishing Inc.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Sandra I. Stewart

Vice President Publishing,
North America

Catherine Bridgman

Director of Business Development
Marni Standen

Director of National Accounts
Randy Stewart

National Account Managers
Lisa Vincent, Kathryn Bertsch

Sales Assistant
April Towell

Promotion Coordinator
Lien Truong

Online Editor
Jennifer Walker

Webmasters Tribute.ca
Paul Lim, Horacio Escalada

Special Thanks
Alliance Atlantis Margaret Burnside, Frank Mendicino, Susan Smythe Cancom-MCI Entertainment Group Paul Armstrong, Mary Palazzo
 Cineplex-Odeon, Lions Gate Films John Bain, Sandy Silver Columbia Tri-Star
Donna Slack Disney Jane Elltoft
MGM/UA Sandra Crann Odeon Films Andrea Grau, Mark Slone Paramount Greg Ferris Twentieth Century Fox Barry Newstead
Universal Janice Doyle, Janice Luke Warner Bros. Dianne Schwalm, Mary Sinclair

Tribute magazine is published NINE Times a year by Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Advertising inquiries should be made to the above address, or by telephone to 416-445-0544. Contents Copyright © 2000 by Tribute Publishing Inc., all rights reserved, and may not be reprinted without permission. Printed in Canada.
Tribute Publishing Inc. welcomes material submitted for publication. However, Tribute Publishing Inc., their servants or agents accept no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photography or manuscripts.
Subscription Prices: Canada, eight issues $22.50; U.S.A., eight issues $32.50; all other countries, eight issues $48.00. Please add 7% G.S.T. (Reg. #R105383707). To subscribe, send name, address, postal code and cheque or money order to Subscription Department, Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Allow six weeks for delivery. ISSN 1190-836X

Dear Tribute,
  My boyfriend and I go to the movies at least once
a week. I enjoy your magazine very much.
  I particularly enjoyed your article on Charlize
Theron. She exudes elegance and charm despite tragedy and hardships.
  I hope your next cover story features a great male actor of equal talent and good looks.
  Keep them coming!
                                                Melissa and Zane
                                                 Toronto, Ontario

Dear Tribute,
  In your Last Take in the September issue, you
featured a picture of Meg Ryan with Dennis Quaid
and the title D.O.A.
  I don't think we should make fun of other people's misery. This couple is obviously going through
a very hard time and shouldn't have to be the butt of people's jokes.
  I found your Innovations article in the same issue about making movie-going easier for handicapped people very interesting. I think it's good to focus attention on these issues so everyone can enjoy going to the movies whenever they want to.
                                                      John Candodi
                                                  Calgary, Alberta

Dear Tribute,
  Your October issue of Tribute features Pet Peeves of the Stars, which we really enjoyed reading.
  I've noticed that Tribute Trivia was missing, however. Will you be bringing it back? My husband and I are big movie buffs and enjoy having bets testing our knowledge on it.
  We love your magazine and look for every issue.
                                                   Mymy & Abdool
                                                 Toronto, Ontario

Dear Tribute,
  Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the profile of Michelle Pfeiffer that ran in the September, 2000 issue of Tribute. She has always been one of my favorite actresses and it was great
to read all those personal stories from her.
  I particularly found it impressive that she has
always refused to do nude scenes. I bet there's
not many actresses in Hollywood today who could make that claim.
  Keep up the good work.
                                                     Joan Henshaw
                                                   Vancouver, B.C.

Dear Tribute,
  I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Seems we have a film crew here in the downtown exchange district filming what is called Wishmaster 3. I only know, because I asked a police office at the scene. I've done a web search for info.
  Sadly, I keep getting out-dated websites from 1997. I'm surprised that this isn't mentioned here on the Tribute site.
  Can you please follow up on this? I'm still searching for info, but find dead links everywhere.
                                              Winnipeg, Manitoba

Wishmaster 3: Sword of Justice is due to be released this fall. It's a sequel to 1999's Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies, and 1997's Wishmaster. It's about the demonic Djinn wreaking havoc on students at Illinois' Baxter University, where the Winnipeg scenes were shot.