
Sandra I. Stewart

Elaine Loring,
Robin Stevenson

Contributing Editors
Brigitte Berman, Karen Bliss, Valerie Gregory, Alexandra Heilbron, Susan Kelly, Bonnie Laufer-Krebs, Zack Medicoff, Vernon Oickle, Jim Slotek,  Rui Umezawa, Deena Waisberg

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Tribute Publishing Inc.
Telephone: 416-445-0544

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Special Thanks
Alliance Atlantis Margaret Burnside, Frank Mendicino,  Susan Smythe
  Lions Gate Films John Bain, Sandy Silver 
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Natalie Amaral, Donna Slack Disney Jane Elltoft 
Lions Gate
John Bain, 
Sandy Silver MGM/UA
Sandra Crann,
Mary-Catherine Snelvgrove Odeon Films  
Dana Fields, Mark Slone Paramount Anne Davidson, Greg Ferris
20th Century Fox  
Barry Newstead, Julia Perry Universal Janice Doyle, Janice Luke Warner Bros. Dianne Schwalm, Mary Sinclair

Greg Mason
Ken Prue 
Vince Guzzo 
Dean Leland 
Brian McIntosh
Magic Lantern Theatres / Rainbow Cinemas  Tom Hutchinson

Tribute magazine is published nine times a year by Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Toronto, Ontario M3C 2A2. Advertising inquiries should be made to the above address, or by telephone to 416-445-0544. Contents copyright © 2003 by Tribute Publishing Inc., all rights reserved, and may not be reprinted without permission. Printed in Canada. Tribute Publishing Inc. welcomes material submitted for publication. However, Tribute Publishing Inc., their servants or agents accept no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photography or manuscripts. Subscription Prices: Canada, nine issues $26.00; U.S.A., eight issues $37.00; all other countries, nine issues $54.00. Please add 7% G.S.T. (Reg. #R105383707).
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ISSN 1190-836X

Dear Tribute,
  I really enjoyed your story on Catherine Zeta-Jones. She appears to be an actress who has worked hard for what she has achieved and is proud to say she is ambitious. She is very talented and I hope she continues to make excellent choices when it comes to upcoming roles.
N. Brett
Ottawa, ON

Dear Tribute,
  I read in your Septmeber issue that Johnny Depp
was filming a Stephen King movie near Montreal this summer called Secret Window, Secret Garden. Being a big fan, I would naturally like to know more about the project and when it will be released.
Caroline Gardner
(The film is based on the novella of the same name that appeared in King's Four Past Midnight. Depp plays a writer who finds himself stalked by a stranger (John Turturro) who claims Depp stole his best story idea. The film, which was shot in Rosemère, North Hatley and Montreal, is slated for release next

Dear Tribute.ca,
  Thank you so much for sending me the Tomb Raider Prize Pack. I really was surprised and amazed that
I won it! Thank you again. Your website is very helpful to me.
Tiffany F.
Toronto, ON

Dear tribute.ca,
  Thanks for the new info on Colin Firth. What a hunk this he is and what a terrific actor. I was reading your Star Bio on him and wondered why you insist on saying Firth has a history of having relationships with his
co-stars (Meg Tilly, Jennifer Ehle). So what? At least he did not marry then divorce them like others have. I feel you are slighting this great actor and it does your site no good to turn tabloidy.

Dear Tribute,
  I recently picked up your magazine at a local movie
theater. Rarely do you talk about Canadian-made films. The Canadian film industry already struggles enough by having a negative public image, a lack of distribution and also by having to compete with Hollywood. No wonder our films don't do as well when our own Canadian entertainment magazines hardly ever talk about them!
Winston Washington Moxam
Winnipeg, MB
(We hope you enjoy our cover story on Canadian stars Ryan Reynolds and Kristin Booth, stars of the Canadian-made Foolproof.)

Dear tribute.ca,
  I love the movie ratings on your website. It makes my choices that much easier. Thanks.
Iain B.

Dear Tribute,
  I go to the movies quite often and find your magazine helpful in making choices about which movies look good. Thank you for your informative articles. There is one thing lacking in your magazine and that's coverage of sexy male stars. You display numerous images of women and that's all fine and good but I'd much rather see men on the pages and on the cover. Enough of the women already, gimme something I can appreciate.
Jennifer MacDonald

Lucky readers who get their letter printed
will receive great movie stuff!
Please include your full address.