aries march 21-april 20
Your real-life costar has trouble following your script. Expect some drama, even storming off the set, around the 15th. You can ease the situation considerably just by allowing your other half more input. Unexpected things show up in your voice or e-mail box most of the month. Just go with the information flow until the 22nd. After that, it's easier to tell which tips to follow up on. Take an autumn break late in the month. With fewer deadlines and harsh realities, life takes on a nice soft focus.

taurus april 21-may 21
You're ready to take creative control of the production called life - with the emphasis on creative. Polish, then follow up on your bright-and-shiny new ideas. But forging ahead too blatantly only earns you accusations of bullying. Get ready to catch some flak, especially around the 14th. By the 20th, you're back to your smooth, sweet-talking self. Flow with the undercurrent of love and understanding. You'll soon be riding high in the romance department, especially if casting a new lead.

gemini may 22-june 21
You have an overwhelming desire to get out of town before sunset. The most likely lure: romance, intrigue and adventure. If the scenario fails to gel early on, don't fret. From the 15th on, you enter one of the most delightfully romantic periods of the year. You're also ready to blaze new trails on the career front. Expect delays until the 22nd after which encouraging progress is made. You're more reflective at month's end. Most of your thoughts are upbeat and some take on a mystical quality.

cancer june 22-july 22
It's a brave new world - and for once you're not cast as the Shrinking Violet. Build on your new-found confidence. Buy some new party duds, especially after the 15th. Planetary patterns then favor fun and frolic, with romantic overtones. While true love may not come your way, a little harmless flirtation will pass the time until the real thing comes along. Intimacy and shared space become prime issues around the 27th. It's time to set firm boundaries with someone close.

leo july 23-aug 23

Other people think they're calling the shots now. And they enjoy rattling you, especially around the 14th. Play it cool, trust your instincts and plant your flag where it can be clearly seen. Just be sure to keep off others' territory around the 27th. From the 15th on, friendships are your safest harbors. Close friends rally to your cause, and you impress new acquaintances. Most understand you with little explanation on your part. The month ends on a romantic note, and you like the tune.

Matt Damon - Libra, born October 8, 1970, Cambridge, Massahusetts

  Libra men are renowned for their good looks and mega-charm. Yet Matt is so, so much more than just another hunk of blond beefcake. For one, he radiates braininess, not generally an asset in Hollywood. It's the planet Uranus that helps him stand out from the bland pack and carve a distinctive niche. Impatience and volatility are also part of the package - he never completed his BA at Harvard, and his relationships seem to be on the short-term side. Yet there's also a reserve bordering on shyness of a Capricorn moon, which also makes him extraordinarily canny in business. The year ahead looks to be ultra-creative. Matt will have to keep turmoil on the romantic front to a minimum, lest he be thrown off track. If he can, he'll likely write, produce and star in a new project that has the potential to top the success of Good Will Hunting. But despite his track record, Damon will have to struggle to retain creative control whatever he takes on.
virgo aug 24-sept 23
The planet Mercury is acting up again, bringing indecision and confusion to your neighborhood. Not to worry: your close relationships are sure and sustaining, at least around the 15th. Your best strategy this month is to express your feelings and shmooze more - two things you're not good at. Expect most minor mixups to ease after the 22nd. Your steps are sure now, especially those aimed at gaining greater security. It's an attainable goal, but will come from an unlikely quarter.

libra sept 24-oct 23
The financial sub-plot takes unexpected twists. You're shown first one, then another, happy ending. Most tantalizing offers will prove so much pie in the sky until the 22nd. Don't sign on the dotted line until then. Meanwhile your love life is strong and sustaining from the 15th on. The 20th, especially, is a time when you and your partner ride the same wavelength. But expect to get a few wires crossed with just about everyone around the 27th, when you may have some explaining to do.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
Romance flavors the scenario early this month. You write hard-hitting new dialogue aimed at fostering greater understanding. And you manage to work in more than one steamy scene, especially on the 5th. Mid-month trends favor money and work - which suits you just fine. Expect to make stellar gains on the 11-12th. Things you've let slide grind to a halt on the 22nd. After some readjustment, it's all systems go. The bosom of your family is warm and inviting from the 27th on.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
Your star has been rising steadily. Why does it suddenly feel like you're left out of every casting call? Expect some setbacks and misunderstandings until the 22nd. Remain aloof from backbiting and gossip. But everything's rosy with romance, especially after the 15th. A rapport that was once platonic then turns into something more. This person has talented, challenging friends, so enjoy. Around the 27th a once-harsh financial reality comes into much softer focus.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
Setting new goals is high on the agenda. You're fired up, ready to scale new heights. Yet almost all projects are stalled, seemingly forever. Expect many obstacles and delays until the 22nd, after which you'll have a clear shot at any course you set. Late in the month you get a burst of creative energy. Most of your efforts will center around the home front, with intriguing sub-plots between you and a key player. The teasing quality of the dialogue sparks romantic tension.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
You're known for erratic behavior. For once, a partner tops your act. Don't give into one-up-manship, lest things get out of control. Something's gotta give - and will - by the 14th. A more congenial, even charmed, period is due after that. Someone's out to pamper you, so let it happen. Meanwhile, don't sign any important documents until after the 22nd. After that time, a sense of sanity returns. A brilliant idea is sound and brims with merit. Follow up on it.

pisces feb 19-march 20
Mercury is in a troublesome period until the 22nd. Which means any major moves will ultimately prove out of phase until that date. People at work are especially crass and unreceptive. But private plans and schemes can now be refined, fine-tuned and brought into sharp focus. Just don't try to dazzle anyone until month's end. Tax and joint finances are easier to get a handle on after the 15th. Following your instincts could lead to an offbeat but ultimately sound investment.

                                                       Susan Kelly