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Is That a Gun in Your Pocket? 
- Women's experience of power in Hollywood
Based on extensive interviews with women who have attained power in Hollywood, Is That A Gun In Your Pocket? tells the story of such women as Sherry Lansing, Dawn Steel, Nora Ephron and Jodie Foster, who had to fight to win the right to make movies.
  There's no doubt that Hollywood has changed in the last 20 years, and in no small part thanks to bright, courageous women. Just look at Titanic, the largest grossing film of all time, which was shepherded through the studio system by Sherry Lansing at Paramount. Unlike much of Hollywood in the '80s and '90s, Lansing recognized the economic power of women moviegoers and knew how to reach them.
  Now a new breed of women dot the upper echelons of the studio world, bringing girl-empowerment stories to the screen such as Shakespeare in Love, Notting Hill and Runaway Bride. Though the defining ethic of Hollywood remains money, it is an increasingly genderless entity.

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Any soundtrack that
contains Limp Bizkit, Metallica, Rob Zombie and The Butthole Surfers has got to be pumpin', and M:I-2 is no exception.
  Produced by Mitchell Leib, this generous compilation (16 cuts) also includes a Foo Fighters and Brian May morsel "Have A Cigar", which strangely makes the band sound a lot like Queen without Freddie Mercury.
  Of special note is the Kid Rock-produced Uncle Kracker contribution "What U Lookin' At."

Although the Hollywood Reporter calls the movie "a pulsating rich Hamlet," initial reaction from the critics and public alike is far less generous. How- ever, the CD soundtrack fares a bit better on its own.
  Of the ten tracks included in what some have called the "hip-hop Hamlet" CD, cuts by Primal Scream and Josh Rouse stand out, but also worth noting are moody instrumentals by Fourtet and O'Neill.
- Gerry Young

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The Measure of a Man
- A spiritual autobiography by Sidney Poitier
It's not hard to figure out why Sidney Poitier is one of the world's most beloved and respected actors after reading The Measure of a Man.
  You get the feeling while reading this personal and down to earth account of his life, that he is someone you've known and cared about for a long, long time.
  This is not your typical Hollywood power-broker tale, but rather an intimate look inside the man, and what he feels as he looks at the world around him in his 73rd year.
- Gerry Young
Say it!

Motorola has just introduced the V. Series, a collection of stylish, web-ready digital wireless phones. The elegant phones are small enough to be termed a personal accessory, transforming high-tech toys into sustainable style.
  In order to customize one's phone, Motorola will offer an accessory known as a PhoneWrap cover, which will come in a variety of vibrant colors.