This is the first time you've worked with a soccer team of kids! What was that like for you?
W.F. Let's face it, it was fun and yet there were times when we had to get these kids to focus. 'Come on guys, let's come back from the candy bar table.' 'Guys, that's the eighth coke you've had today, let's get some work done!' There was a bit of that going on. But they were really professional.

Having Robert Duvall play your dad and Super Bowl winning coach Mike Ditka by your side during this shoot must have been pretty cool.
W.F. It was. What really surprised me is that those guys are really funny! Duvall should do way more comedies, man. The two of them were on fire and improvising their scenes all the time. It was an absolute blast watching them work.

Growing up, was there anything your parents made you do that left you kicking and screaming?
W.F. (laughs) Oh, I can think of a few things! I had this hot-pants suit that my mom used to make me wear and I remember pitting my mother and father against each other crying to dad saying, 'I don't want to wear it, please don't make me.' He'd always tell me I didn't have to wear it. Then mom would say, 'Where's that lovely suit I got for you?' Then I'd say, 'Dad told me I didn't have to wear it.' But she just made me put it back on. So yeah, that left me kicking and screaming quite a bit!

Your character, Phil Weston, gets a bit over zealous in the movie with his 10-year-old son's soccer team. It's funny to watch how parents get when their kids play sports.
W.F. Yeah, it's quite amazing. I have seen parents who sometimes tend to forget
that it should be about having fun and they can be really hard on their kids. It's tough
to watch that.

While shooting the film you became a dad yourself. I hope when it's time for your son to play sports you'll go easy on him.
W.F. Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I won't be hard on him… well OK, maybe once in a while, depending on how he performs of course (laughs).

This is definitely your year when it comes to movies. I think you have something close to 700 hundreds film coming out?
W.F. Not that many! But yeah there's a lot. I think the number is at six hundred and
ninety nine!

Bewitched is not really a remake of the TV series. Was that the appeal for you to do it?
W.F. That's exactly why I agreed to do it. OK, working opposite Nicole Kidman was a factor too! (laughs). I wouldn't have done it if it were a straight-up movie version of the TV series. In the film, I play a film actor who's been coaxed into doing a remake of the TV show Bewitched. When we need to find an actress to play Samantha, we find
Nicole Kidman's character, who turns out to be a real witch. The comedy ensues from that and I totally loved the premise and the fact that my character gets his!

Which "Darrin Stephens" did you prefer, Dick Sargeant or Dick York?
W.F. I think Dick York was only on the show for one year, so I have to say I am a Dick Sargeant guy. I grew up on Dick Sargeant.