
Sandra I. Stewart

Rise Levy, Robin Stevenson

Contributing Editors
Cynthia Amsden, Karen Ashbee,
Bill Brioux, Brigitte Berman, 
Kevin Courrier, Marilyn Denis, Kerry Doole, Amy Ferguson, Karen Gordon, Lesa Hannah,
 Jane Hawtin, Tom Jokic, 
Susan Kelly, Steve Maryk,
Zack Medicoff, 
Michael Naccarato, 
Vernon Oickle, Jane Sanderson, Jim Slotek, Michele Sponagle, Charles Tatum, Gerry Young

Production Manager
Erik Blomkwist

Beth Aguilar, Gordon de Gannes,
Adi Gonsalves, Karin Hincks, Nicole Noon, Mary O'Neil,
Lisa Rebnord

Circulation Manager
Guy Murnaghan

Tribute Publishing Inc.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Sandra I. Stewart

Vice President Publishing,
North America

Catherine Bridgman

Director of Business Development
Marni Standen

Director of National Accounts
Randy Stewart

National Account Managers
Amanda Cohen, Lisa Vincent

Sales Assistants
April Towell, Lien Truong

Promotion Coordinators
Daniel Carroll, Lien Truong

Project Manager Tribute.ca
Alkarim Sajoo

Webmasters Tribute.ca
Paul Lim, Suling Wei

Special Thanks
Alliance Atlantis Margaret Burnside, Frank Mendicino, Susan Smythe Cancom-MCI Entertainment Group Paul Armstrong, Mary Palazzo
 Cineplex-Odeon Marci Davies
Lions Gate Films John Bain, Sandy Silver Columbia Tri-Star
Donna Slack Disney Jane Elltoft
MGM/UA Sandra Crann Odeon Films Andrea Grau, Mark Slone Paramount Greg Ferris Twentieth Century Fox Barry Newstead
Universal Janice Doyle, Janice Luke Warner Bros. Dianne Schwalm, Mary Sinclair

Tribute magazine is published NINE Times a year by Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Advertising inquiries should be made to the above address, or by telephone to 416-445-0544. Contents Copyright © 2000 by Tribute Publishing Inc., all rights reserved, and may not be reprinted without permission. Printed in Canada.
Tribute Publishing Inc. welcomes material submitted for publication. However, Tribute Publishing Inc., their servants or agents accept no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photography or manuscripts.
Subscription Prices: Canada, eight issues $22.50; U.S.A., eight issues $32.50; all other countries, eight issues $48.00. Please add 7% G.S.T. (Reg. #R105383707). To subscribe, send name, address, postal code and cheque or money order to Subscription Department, Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Allow six weeks for delivery. ISSN 1190-836X

Dear Tribute,
  I enjoy reading your magazine, but I think that your writers should do their historical research more carefully. In the April issue, it is mentioned that Dorothy Dandridge was the first black woman to win Best Actress at the Oscars. Unfortunately, the award went to the equally talented Grace Kelly. A black woman has never won Best Actress. Hopefully that
will be resolved in the near future.
                                                  Cheryl-Ann Grant
Dear Tribute,
(Re: Return To Me Contest)
  As your magazine is distributed in theaters in Manitoba, and the movie Return to Me opened
nationwide April 7th, would you please explain to me why only certain cities were eligible to enter this contest?
  I enjoy reading your magazine and look forward to entering any contests that appear in the magazine.
                                                Doreen Blanchette
                                                    Winnipeg, Man.

Editor's note: This particular contest offered tickets to special advanced screenings running only in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary and Ottawa. In this situation, the passes are only good for the residents of those cities.
Tribute and Tribute.ca have many more film
contests that offer "run of engagement" passes valid across Canada. We hope you will continue to enter these contests.

Dear Tribute,
  While looking at your April 2000 issue we noticed in the "His Style" section on page 34, you state that the person in the bottom right corner is Seth Green when in actuality we have no idea who this person is. However, we do know that it's not him and we
are curious as to who this fine young gent is!
                                               Sarah and Michelle
                                                 Woodbridge, Ont.

Editor's note: Oops. The person in the Celeb Style
section with the cutline Seth Green was actually in the photo with Seth Green at an event, and the wrong person got labeled. Unfortunately, we are unaware of Seth's friend's name.

Dear Tribute,
  In your March issue, the letters column refers to
"the whole nine yards" and where the term originated.
  In the Second World War, American fighter planes had belt feed machine guns in the wings. Planes returning from, or heading into, zones of frequent conflict would always insist that the maintenance/gunnery crews would fully load up their ammo. The belts of bullets would be laid out on the ground to ensure a smooth feeding into/out of the breech and they were nine yards in length.
  Hence the expression "the whole nine yards" ....indicative of having recently, or planning to soon "give their all' in a life and death situation.
                                                            Rob Blake