Many famous show business stars have to live with or have managed to overcome physical disabilities. Here are some of the stars' own stories, from Sylvester Stallone and Tom Cruise to Halle Berry and Courteney Cox Arquette...

Sylvester Stallone: "They say that among my trademark features are my drooping eyes and slightly slurred speech. Actually, they are the result of a severed facial nerve caused by forceps during my delivery."

Courteney Cox-Arquette: "I suffered from severe short-sightedness until I had laser surgery to correct my vision. I had trouble finding my glasses in the morning unless I put them in a very specific place right next to my bed."

Tom Cruise: "Thanks to severe dyslexia when I was young, I still cannot read properly these days. So how do I learn my lines for the movies? Well, I've become very good at memorizing them from listening to a tape."

Halle Berry: "I am deaf in my left ear and I should wear a hearing aid. I do have one, but I'm real self-conscious about wearing it, so I rarely do."

Barbra Streisand: "I suffer from tinnitus, which is non-stop noises in your head. I have done since I was seven years old. One morning, I woke up with a clicking noise in my ears which wouldn't go away. Later, it developed into a continuous, unrelenting ringing noise. It has been with me ever since. The sound can never really be blotted out and, so far, there is no cure. But there is a device that can make it easier to bear for some people.  I often wear one to get a good night's sleep."

Peter Falk: "When I was three, the doctor found a malignancy in my right eye and said that I should have it out right away. Pretty traumatic for a three year old to wake up after the operation to find he only had one eye. I wore patches at first, then they gave me a glass eye. In hot weather the glass eye used to stick, so I had to take it out each night and put it in a glass of water. Thank goodness they brought out a plastic eye later."

George Clooney: "When I was a teenager, I contracted Bell's Palsy - a kind of paralysis that leaves the face looking lopsided. My left eye closed and I was unable to eat properly. Fortunately, it turned out to be treatable and temporary."

Will Smith: "I've got much bigger than usual ears - and they're still growing! When I was younger, my brother Harry used to make fun of my ears all the time but, when I was in 10th grade, girls started to think it was cute, so I was cool with it. Anyway, screen legend Clark Gable, one of the sexiest stars of all time, had prominent ears!"

Nicole Kidman: "I don't enjoy hot sunny days, for two reasons. One, I have
ultra-sensitive skin, which peels and flakes at the slightest glimpse of the sun. And, two, when the sun comes out, so do the bees and I am severely allergic to them ever since I was stung as a young girl and was on the critical list for days. All this explains why, more often than not, you will find me heavily wrapped up even on the warmest of days."

Gloria Estefan: "Everything was fine until that horrifying road crash in 1990 which shattered my vertebrae. I'm now practically held together by metal rods in my back and my husband calls me Robocop. Thankfully, it hasn't stopped my career. I can now do almost everything as I did before, but I have to do it in different ways. I have to make sure I don't do crazy things like back-flips off the stage!"

- Max Hardy