aries march 21-april 20
April 1st - but you're no fool. "Why bother?" is quickly replaced by "When do I start?" And you'll have more than one opportunity to begin anew. You do know just when to seize the moment and when to stall for time. But make sure you firm up agreements by the 26th. Meanwhile, a romantic co-star stops demanding retakes after the 11th, setting the scene for lasting romance. A financial weight is removed on the 20th, but you'd be wise to keep your head out of the clouds.

taurus april 21-may 21
So much of your life scenario is still on the storyboards. Still, some interesting new plot lines are in store this month. You're able to rise
to just about any challenge and succeed, especially around the 14th. Bonus: your self-confidence also gets a nice boost. Your money matters now - a lot. Meet all deadlines and close all loopholes before the 26th. Then look around for new opportunities. An important proposal may require a second look around the 28th.

gemini may 22-june 21
Have you been miscast? Those around you seem out of synch. In reality, they're just people with different points of view. Listen up, expand your outlook and learn new ways of doing things. Until the 26th, productivity and co-operation are easier to come by. Hop to it, there's much to accomplish. A chance meeting around the 28th brings someone who seems too good to be true your way. This could lead to a big-screen-worthy romance if you follow up.

cancer june 22-july 22
Step out of your usual supporting role and take the director's chair. Between the 6-10th let those in charge know you're ready to take on a major new project.  Mid-month, you're dreamy and giddy with spring. Fortunately, a potential new co-star is in tune. Most important decisions are best made before the 26th. After that, it's your starry-eyed dreams that help provide creative solutions. But be wary of misplaced trust around the 28th, especially
if money is involved.

leo july 23-aug 23
Romance grabs the spotlight most of the month. If casting a new co-star, improvised lines work the best. Mark the 3rd as a time when your eyelashes can set new batting records. Your charisma hits record highs mid-month, but best dim your brilliance at work. Otherwise, you may incur some
unwelcome jealousy. Nettlesome delays in communications accelerate from the 26th on. You can make your point, but must work hard to be clear. A break on the 28-29th is totally

virgo aug 24-sept 23
It's bonus time. A new perk at work or a nice tax refund? You'll never know unless you ask! Two heads are better than one in claiming what's 

Russell Crowe - Aries, born April 7, 1964, New Zealand

Aries is the sign of the warrior. Small wonder then that this star from Down Under was catapulted to fame in Gladiator. And Russell is known to have rather frequent clashes with directors during filming. Erratic, rude, and abrasive are adjectives most frequently applied to his behavior on and off set. His is also a sign of extremes, and stories abound of his incredible generosity and kindness, juxtaposed with tales of utter callousness. Still, his larger-than-life talent is undeniable, and Hollywood's elite line up for a chance to work with him. This year marks the beginning of an electric and eclectic creative cycle. We may also see a very volatile and high-profile romance (he is engaged to be married), one that will make the very public affair with Meg Ryan seem like a dress rehearsal.
yours, and you may strike a new deal or two. You take a fresh look at your career direction from the 12-16th. Armed with clearer vision, you can then 
make a key decision. Late in the month it's the state of your union that claims your attention. Your quiet charm works wonders in any negotiation around the 28th.

libra sept 24-oct 23
Gather ye rosebuds during a lighthearted trend. You'll see progress at last in a key relationship or a new romance may bloom. Go ahead, voice your true feelings, especially around the 11th, and enjoy the refrain that's played back. After the 20th excellent trends prevail for a getaway. It's your best time for travel, or just escaping into a few really good flicks. From the 26th on, resist all risky investments, however tempting.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
Got the home improvement bug? Best storm ahead with a renovation or decorating project before the 26th. After that, it's best to revise and refine your plans. Mid-month, a nose-to-the-grindstone approach works the best. Keeping your head low helps you duck flak at the office. But chin up later on, when a much lighter trend kicks in. Sometimes luck is on your side, a fact that's tangibly demonstrated on the 28th. Expect a happy surprise or two.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
Spring fever strikes, luring your thoughts far, far away. Follow the lead and indulge your wanderlust. Travel and new friendships are especially favored from the 3-10th. You need to patch things up with a romantic partner, so flag the 22nd for making amends. Greater commitment can be yours if you wish, but don't make promises that will prove too burdensome later. Meanwhile, follow up on a career opportunity. Just get everything in writing by the 29th.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
Home is where your heart is, why not settle in for a while? Your big plans and ambitions are on temporary hold, anyway. So spruce up and get out the barbecue. As you putter, the way out of a money dilemma may come to you in a daydream on the 11th. Before the 26th, you can pretty much have it your way with work colleagues and significant others. But don't try to finalize anything after then, since mix-ups will be frequent.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
You may as well install a revolving door at home. Friends and colleagues use it as a second home base, and you're going in circles. Throw some impromptu parties; they'll earn stellar reviews. At work, you also dazzle, this time with creative financial solutions. Just sideline anything with far-reaching consequences after the 26th. You can speak from the heart on the 28th, when someone's listening. It's also a good time to dance the night away.

pisces feb 19-march 20
The big financial picture comes sharply into focus. You're suddenly able to see what's really important to you. You're not good at budgets, but one you make around the 11th could do the trick. After the 20th, you turn your attention to home improvements. Use your artistic eye, but make security and safety a top priority. The month ends on a positive note, with ample opportunities to socialize. Don't be surprised if a few mix-ups occur over meeting times and places.

                                                       Susan Kelly