Sandra I. Stewart

Drew Gibson, Doug Wallace

Contributing Editors
Cynthia Amsden, Karen Ashbee,
Bill Brioux, Kevin Courrier, Marilyn Denis, Kerry Doole, Bob Gibson, Karen Gordon,
Kim Greene, Lesa Hannah, Jane Hawtin,
Tom Jokic, Susan Kelly, Liisa Ladouceur,
Zack Medicoff, Michael Naccarato,
Vernon Oickle, Jane Sanderson, Jim Slotek, Michele Sponagle, Charles Tatum, Tina Watts

Production Manager
Erik Blomkwist

Beth Aguilar, Gordon de Gannes,
Adi Gonsalves, Nicole Noon, Mary O'Neil

Circulation Manager
Guy Murnaghan

Tribute Publishing Inc.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Sandra I. Stewart

Vice President Publishing, North America
Catherine Bridgman

Director of Business Development
Marni Standen

Director of National Accounts
Randy Stewart

National Account Managers
Amanda Cohen, Paul Gitlin,
Lisa Vincent

Sales Assistants
April Towell, Lien Truong

Promotion Coordinators
Andrew Thornicroft, Daniel Carroll

Project Manager Tribute.ca
Alkarim Sajoo

Special Thanks
Alliance Atlantis Margaret Burnside, Frank Mendicino, Susan Smythe Cancom-MCI Entertainment Group Paul Armstrong,
Mary Palazzo Cineplex-Odeon Marci Davies Lionsgate Films John Bain, Sandy Silver Columbia Tri-Star Donna Slack Disney Jane Elltoft MGM/UA Sandra Crann Odeon Films Andrea Grau, Mark Slone Paramount
Greg Ferris Twentieth Century Fox
Barry Newstead Universal Janice Doyle,
Janice Luke Warner Bros. Dianne Schwalm,
Mary Sinclair

Tribute magazine is published nine times a year by Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2.Advertising inquiries should be made to the above address, or by telephone to 416-445-0544. Contents Copyright © 2000 by Tribute Publishing Inc., all rights reserved, and may not be reprinted without permission. Printed in Canada.
Tribute Publishing Inc. welcomes material submitted for publication. However, Tribute Publishing Inc., their servants or agents accept no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photography or manuscripts.
Subscription Prices: Canada, eight issues $22.50; U.S.A., eight issues $32.50; all other countries, eight issues $48.00. Please add 7% G.S.T. (Reg. #R105383707). To subscribe, send name, address, postal code and cheque or money order to Subscription Department, Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Allow six weeks for delivery. ISSN 1190-836X


Dear Tribute,
Seeing your recent cover lines about how "Bruce Willis goes the whole nine yards" got me thinking about what that means. Sure, I found out it's the name of Bruce's new movie, but shouldn't the expression really be the "whole 10 yards?" What's nine yards? Isn't that like coming up short? Just wondering…
                                                       Justine Whorl
                                                      Kelowna, B.C.

Dear Tribute,
Just wanted to let you know that I love Tribute. That's when I can get it. I really wanted to read the Bond issue (Nov. '99) but… surprise, surprise, there were none left. Now, I end up buying a magazine before I go into the theatre because, well, there's nothing else.
                                                      Jocelyn Davey
                                             Bedford, Nova Scotia

Dear Tribute,
How would you like it if someone was keeping track of who you were sleeping with? I say you should let sleeping celebrities lie and axe that "Sex Degrees of Separation" thing from your magazine.
                                                Christina Delacroix
                                                  Senneterre, Que.

Dear Tribute,
I really get a kick out of Tribute TV (Global TV, Thursday at midnight). I'm a nighthawk, so the late-night time slot doesn't bother me a bit. Just wish some of the movies could be as good as the trailers suggest…
                                                       Dale Spencer

Dear Tribute,
What's with Billy Zane in an orange suit (His Style, Feb. '00) - he auditioning for the highway flagman job or what?
                                                           Rita Worth
                                                 Moose Jaw, Sask.

Dear Tribute,
I find your website (tribute.ca) very useful, especially when I'm choosing which movie to watch - and where to see it. It's informative, but I would like to see more opinion about the movies. After all, we spend our hard-earned loonies on these flicks, don't we? By the way, when will the results of your movie survey be announced?
                                                             Kitty Ellis

(You can vote for your favorite movies of 1999 on our website until March 31. The results will appear in the Summer Preview [May]
issue of

Dear Tribute,
Isn't it time we buried The Blair Witch Project (last take, Dec.'99) once and for all? What is so scary about 90 minutes of drug-addled video shot by a few pretentious film students? And now we hear Blair 2 is in the works. Well, I won't be around for the opening. I'm going camping in some remote wilderness.
                                                       Damon Wong

Dear Tribute,
I can't stand Salma Hayek. Not only can't she act but she acts like she can't even think.
                                                          Jane Beach
                                                       Nipigon, Ont.