aries march 21-april 20
You've got charisma in spades this month and attract just the right people and situations, especially around the 5th. Your charm may seem to fail you around Valentine's Day. But mark the weekend of the 16th as a time you can make up for lost romantic moments. Conserve your mental and physical energies mid-month as you tire easily. A big break that once seemed only a dim hope could prove a reality around the 27th. Remember "to thine own self be true" when signing on the dotted line.

taurus april 21-may 21
The fog lifts after the 5th. You see the road ahead clearly - and it's marked hard work. Reserve some time on the weekend of the 16th for the good life. Both glittering social life and steamy romantic scenes are favored. Late in the month, do take time to balance the books. Keep the details to yourself, as a friend may take advantage of any inside knowledge on the 26th.

gemini may 22-june 21
Go with the flow, however erratic, for now. It's just a case of bread you earlier cast on the waters coming back at flood tide. A love relationship could take an unexpected direction on the 5th. Mark the weekend of the 16th as a key time to meet important people who can help make a cherished dream a reality. Dramatic revelations are in store on the 23rd - 24th. Be open to new and more lucrative ways of conducting business then. The month wraps up with a spiritual breakthrough or two.

cancer june 22-july 22
You're in a Valentine's Day frame of mind early. Since the passion quotient is highest around the 10th, why wait for the big day? Impromptu romantic interludes are most satisfying now anyway. New opportunities in both money and career are also on tap. Mid-month, show you can work independently to score the most points. You can get a bonus if you ask on the 23rd. Revel in your day in the sun late in the month, perhaps literally with a getaway to a warmer clime. You've more than earned the break.

leo july 23-aug 23

This month is made for the romantic, a role you like to play to the fullest. Ready to star in your own true-life romance? An electric connection around the 7th could give you a very pleasant jolt. Mid-month, people you've just met are more helpful than those who are close. One wants to serve as a mentor, but be careful before making any firm commitments. A chance for a new partnership arises late in the month. Though built on high ideals, it should have some foundation in reality.

Mena Suvari - Aquarius, born February 17, 1979, New Port, Rhode Island

Aquarius is the sign of the prodigy. Mena certainly began to dazzle in front of the camera at an early age, and was a pro by the age of 15. She thrived in an upbringing that saw her forging a Hollywood
career first, being a typical teen second. In fact, she's joked that the only typical high school experiences she had were on the big screen in a slew of teeny-bop films. Of course, we remember her best in American Beauty and American Pie. In 2000 she married cinematographer Robert Brinkman, 17 years her senior. Her upcoming project, Pony Ride, with director Nicholas Cage, should help demonstrate her range. Interestingly, his company is called Saturn Productions. The quirky spirit of Pony Ride is right up this Aquarian's alley. In 2002 she'll also begin to realize her very grownup goals of writing and producing.
virgo aug 24-sept 23
Not much of a romantic at heart, you're keeping an eye firmly on the ball. Your instincts are right on target. Go with the all-business flow early this month. A chance to hit a home run could be yours after the 7th. Issues of the past come
between you and a loved one on the 11th. But you can resolve old grievances and re-find true love by the 17th. The pace quickens late in the month. Be bold - go wherever your intuition leads you. Impromptu travel arrangements hold many a pleasant surprise.

libra sept 24-oct 23
Love is all you need, especially this of all months. The passion quotient is high around the 7th, when you and your co-star are on the same steamy wavelength. Your charm works mid-month. Look to the 16th for love scenes played in soft, dreamy focus. In fact, you can keep your head in the clouds for the entire week to follow. After that it's time to come down to earth. Dress for success on the 25th, when the right image is essential.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
Unexpected homebody instincts are triggered. You long to cocoon, away from the workday world, dreaming of ideal scenarios. By the 5th, you pretty much have the scene set in your mind. Steer clear of serious discussions with those near and dear on the 13 - 14th. But you can pretty much write the romance script to your liking on the weekend of the 16th. Review the financial bottom line the 23rd. Your urge to splurge is strong, but don't let it override your usually sound judgement.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
The time is ripe and there's much to be done. Yet you feel like a bit player, just puttering around, wasting time. Don't sweat the small stuff now, though it may take until mid-month for it to all make sense. Meanwhile, there's plenty of social life to take your mind off things. A party on the 7th could be particularly exciting. Hit the highway with a few close friends on the 20th. The wind in your hair provides a feeling of freedom and release. Don't let a debate on the 23rd overheat.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
Work and finances come into sharp focus until the 5th. Explore as many new options as possible, then bookmark some for later follow-up. The close relationship script takes an eerie turn of deja vu all over again on the 11th. After that, you'll definitely be ready to break free of the past. Strangely, once you do, newfound closeness arrives on cue. You're thinking of going on location after the 23rd. It should be a breeze to combine business with pleasure then.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
It's lights, camera - yet still no action on the romance front. A one-time friend tries to become something more. But you'll know the true limits of this relationship by the 5th. It's your way or no way on the 13th. The pace is definitely frantic around the 20th. Don't overbook yourself. Around the 24th someone close helps you envision a wide-screen blockbuster future. You definitely like the view.

pisces feb 19-march 20
Kick the shrinking violet act and become your own press agent. Someone in authority will be impressed with your bright ideas, especially on the 5th. An on-line or distant romance could begin around the 11th. Whatever your situation, Valentine's Day dims your view of romance. But the weekend of the 16th will put everything back into soft, rosy focus. By the 20th, you're again focused on career. Heavy demands are made of you at work on the 26th, but it's nothing you can't handle.

                                                       Susan Kelly