
Sandra I. Stewart

Rise Levy, 
Robin Stevenson

Contributing Editors
Cynthia Amsden, Karen Ashbee, Brigitte Berman, Marilyn Denis, Amy Ferguson, Karen Gordon, Valerie Gregory, Alexandra Heilbron, Tom Jokic, Susan Kelly, Bonnie Laufer-Krebs, Vernon Oickle, Jane Sanderson, Jim Slotek, Deborah Smyth, Ola Sturik, David Summers, Bob Thompson, Rui Umezawa, Deena Waisberg, Norman Wilner, Shannon Wright, Gerry Young

Production Manager
Erik Blomkwist

Production Coordinator
Amy Gibson

Adi Gonsalves, Karin Hincks, Sandra Jones, Jan-John Rivera, Alan Sequeira,  Tammy White

Circulation Manager
Guy Murnaghan

Tribute Publishing Inc.
President & Chief Executive Officer
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North America

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Director of Business Development
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David Higgins, 
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Internet Marketing Specialist
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Internet Project Manager
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Webmasters Tribute.ca
Paul Lim, David Desrochers, 
Bill Papadimatos

Special Thanks
Alliance Atlantis Margaret Burnside, 
Frank Mendicino,  
Susan Smythe
Cancom-MCI Entertainment Group Paul Armstrong, Mary Palazzo Lions Gate Films John Bain, Sandy Silver Columbia Tri-Star Eliza Fernandez, Donna Slack Disney Jane Elltoft MGM/UA Sandra Crann, Mary Marentic Odeon Films Andrea Grau, Mark Slone Paramount Anne Davidson, Greg Ferris 20th Century Fox Barry Newstead, Julia Perry Universal Janice Doyle, Janice Luke Warner Bros. Dianne Schwalm, Mary Sinclair

AMC Jack Gardiner Cineplex-Odeon Ana Teixeira Galaxy Ken Prue Guzzo Vince Guzzo Empire Dean Leland Landmark Brian McIntosh

Tribute magazine is published NINE Times a year by Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Advertising inquiries should be made to the above address, or by telephone to 416-445-0544. Contents Copyright © 2001 by Tribute Publishing Inc., all rights reserved, and may not be reprinted without permission. Printed in Canada. Tribute Publishing Inc. welcomes material submitted for publication. However, Tribute Publishing Inc., their servants or agents accept no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photography or manuscripts. Subscription Prices: Canada, eight issues $22.50; U.S.A., eight issues $32.50; all other countries, eight issues $48.00. Please add 7% G.S.T. (Reg. #R105383707). To subscribe, send name, address, postal code and cheque or money order to Subscription Department, Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2A2. Allow six weeks for delivery. ISSN 1190-836X

Dear Tribute,
  I'm a reader of Tribute magazine. In your Summer Preview issues in June 2000 and June 2001 you write about the movies of that summer. How would you rate the movies of those years? What were the best movies of the year? What were the worst movies?
                                                       Linda Graham
                                                  Saskatoon, Sask.

Tribute.ca now includes a rating system for all films listed. By going into each film and clicking onto "view,", you can see how our readers and
online users liked the film by simply looking at the
percentage of votes in our five star system. We encourage readers to give us their input and let us know how many stars they would give the films of today and yesterday. There is also a Top 20 listing
of films and videos that have been calculated from online users votes. Just click on the "Top 20" link at www.tribute.ca.

Dear Tribute,
  The reason I am writing to you is to express my
sincere gratitude for the previews Tribute offers
its readers on upcoming movie releases. Movies are a big part of my social life, and knowing what is out there helps me choose what I want to watch. I am very picky and I know what I like. By reading your previews and getting the history behind these films, I know exactly what to expect.
  What is even better is that it's not all about
criticism. You give your readers the facts, so that it allows them to make their own judgement, without the same old reviews from the same old person.
                                                    Carolyn De Luca
                                                     Montreal, Que.

Dear Tribute,
  For a magazine about movies, I'd expect a little more attention to detail when naming directors,
especially when both are successful in their own
individual rights. Director Pedro Almodovar did not
direct Cruz in Abre Los Ojos, as that movie was
directed by Alejandro Amenábar, who also wrote and directed The Others.
                                                         A. Mazzotta

You're absolutely right. We regret the error.

Dear Tribute,
  I loved your December 2001 flip cover issue. Everything about it was amazing! Nothing boring
at all! I really enjoyed all the cosmetic and fashion
articles. The one thing I ask is that you could put more things about Harry Potter books and movies (seeing as I am a Harry Potter fan). But other than that, keep up the great work!
                                                       Ottawa, Ont.

Dear Tribute,
  Thanks for all your previews of the holiday
releases in your December issue. I managed to catch quite a few movies this past month including Ali,
A Beautiful Mind, The Shipping News and The Lord of the Rings. I am hoping Russell Crowe and Kevin Spacey both receive an Academy Award nomination for their work. I look forward to your Oscar issue to see if my predictions are correct.
                                                   William Davidson
                                                   Vancouver, B.C.